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LDAP System Administration

LDAP System Administration#

1. LDAP Basics#

DNS - most successful dirctory services ever implemented on the internet

Five characteristics of directory services:

  • Highly optimised for reads
  • distributed model for storing information
  • Can extend types of info it stores
  • Advanced search capanbilities
  • Loosely consistent replication

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol#

The potencial of LDAP to consolidate existing services into a single directory. Reducing data redundancy. Administrative saving on creating and deleting users.

  • Lightweight - compared to X.5000 directory services. LDAP uses low overhead TCP over 389. X.500 had alot more baggage.
  • Directory - different from a database as it is designed to be read more than written. Transaction and write locks are not necessary. LDAP is just a protocol it says nothing about where the data is stored. Made for general directories not specialised ones - filesystems and DNS.
  • Access Protocol - LDAP is asynchronous.

LDAP Models#

Present the services provided by a server.

Information Model#

An entry is the basic unit of a directory. An entry contains informaiton about one or more objectClasses

Naming Model#

How entries and data are uniquely referenced. Each entry has an attribute unique among all sibling called the RDN - Relative Distinguished Name.

The string created by combining RDN’s for a unique name is called the Distinguished Name (DN)

Eg. RDN (includes attribute name and value)


The DN (distinguished name) for the node would be

Functional Model#

Protocol itself. Authentication operations (bindings), query operations (searches and reads) and update operations (writes)

Security Model#

Mechanism for clients to prive their identity (authnetication) and control authenticated clients access to data (authorization)

2. LDAPv3 Overview#