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Django Orm

Django ORM#


Using the Course model

All records in database#


No records but an empty queryset#


Get a single course#




Creating records#

New Instance


Also returns the instance

Save existing


Queryset - collection of records returned from the database

  • Anything that can return from a SQL query can be in a queryset
  • They are lazy, they won’t do the work until it is needed - they are in memory and don’t hit the dtabase until they are consumed

User Model#

Useful but not required features are in django.dontrib

So from django.contrib.auth.models import User

Mass Update#

update() can be called on a queryset but not a single record


But that is the same as using all() so we can use filter() or exclude() the same way


Much better than using a loop

A delete() can also be run on a querySet


courses = models.objects.Course.filter(

What does the __ do?

It jumps from one relationship to another

Funny things like greater or equal to filter is:

reviews = models.Review.objects.filter(rating__gte = 3)

Instead of the intuitive

reviews = models.Review.objects.filter(rating >= 3)

More Info on field lookups

Blunk Create#

You have to pass bulk_create an itereable that contains model instances that are not saved, eg.

    Course(title=..., ...),

Only select the values you neeed#

Use values()

courses = Courses.objects.filter(published=True).values(‘id’, ‘title’)[:5]

Select just a single field from a bunch of record#

datetimes = Courses.objects.datetimes(‘created-at’, ‘year’)

Order By#


created_at is the field to order by, normally we do it in Ascending order

Then - makes it decending order

F Objects#

Allow you to refer to value in database not in instance which could be outdated

Use on sensitive data that has to be correct and real time, avoid race conditions

from django.db.models import F


quiz.times_taken = F('times_taken') + 1

So quiz.times_taken becomes a CombinedExpression


Can do a db update on live data with:

Course.objects.all().update(rating = F('rating') * 2)

Q objects#

Multiple conditions on Filter are ANDS#

When you add a filter:

    title__iconatins = 'red',
    description_icontains = 'green'

It adds an AND not an OR

You can also add multiple .filter().filter() but then that will act as a chain

from django.db.models import Q

Q object filter


Q objects are sub-queries

| makes it an OR or UNION

Remember Q() are non-keyword arguments **args where as normal filters are keyword arguments **kwargs

Kwargs must always go after args

Searching is better to use a dedicated search engine like elasticsearch


Let django run operations on each item in a queryset and append the result of that as a new attribute

from django.db.models import Count, Sum

courses = models.course.objects.filter(
    total_steps=Count('text',distinct(True)) + Count('quiz', distinct(True))


total = courses.aggregate(total=Sum(total_steps))

Aggregates are done on qurysets

prefetch_related is for getting lots of other items, used if you want the reverse relationship - parent to sub

Sometimes you can check the SQL debug toolbar to see any duplciate queries and extended time

        'quiz_set', 'text_set', 'quiz_set__question_set'
catch models.Course.DoesNotExist:
    raise Http404

selected_related is for smaller amounts of items (one) The foreign key field, going from sub to parent

step = models.Quiz.objects.select_related('course').get(
    course_id=course_pk,, course__published=True

These can make some huge performance improvements on SQL side

Testing ORM#

You can use the assertNumQueries assertion to ensure that a certain number are queries are called